LinkedIn Profile Love

In honor of LOVE month, our latest LinkedIn Live Series is all about giving your LinkedIn profile some LOVE. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that one of our superpowers is helping people write really impactful LinkedIn profiles. So, we know what works, and we know WHY.

Here's WHY a good profile is so important and not to be overlooked:
➡️The profile is such a crucial part of the LinkedIn experience
➡️Certain areas of the profile matter more than others
➡️A killer profile has the power to impact your business or career goals
➡️You should be looking closely at other profiles

Remember, LinkedIn is always making updates! Even if you’ve worked with us or trained with us in the past, the information is always changing, so follow Lauren Perna Communications to learn why you need to show your LinkedIn profile some love in 2024.

Additional resources: 20 Content Ideas to Help You Ramp Up Your LinkedIn Game


Overcoming Your Content Woes (free download!)


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